Anna Purcell

Year: 4th

Major: Psychology

Dance Experience: Ballet, tap, jazz, lyrical, contemporary, and 2 years of ballroom

Favorite Dances: Ballet, Contemporary, Qucikstep, East Coast Swing, and West Coast Swing

More About: Anna began dance at the ripe old age of 3 doing ballet, tap, jazz, lyrical, and contemporary at various points until she graduated high school with only a slight break for grades 3 through 5 when she had to go dominate her local 9-year-olds at karate. After having achieved a triple black belt and bested all of the local masters, much like Michael Jordan in the 9 time Oscar winning film Space Jam, she grew tired of the sport and knew she had to return to her true love, dance. Anna would go on to dance competitively for her 9th and 10th grades before retiring to focus on preparing for college. In college, Anna's lust for dance and sequined stretch fabrics would grow until she took Ballroom 1 in Fall of 2020 and auditioned for BPG. Unfortunately, we've been stuck with her ever since. When she's not dancing, Anna is studying, researching for 1 of the 2 labs she is apart of, or applying for clinical psychology Ph.D. programs, the feeling of which can only be compared to un-anesthetized open heart surgery. Last semester, Anna studied abroad at Oxford University. Unfortunately, the British men were ill prepared to handle such wit and beauty and subsequently began physically throwing themselves at her. Thankfully, no one sustained any serious injuries. Some of her favorite movies that she has watched recently include: All That Jazz, Elvis (2022), Being John Malkovich, and Poison (1991) (judge accordingly).